21 November 2008 | Traction Software Introduces Live Blog Micro-Messaging and End-of-Year Discount

ImageTraction Software Introduces Live Blog Micro-Messaging and End-of-Year Discount First Enterprise 2.0 Product to Integrate Micro-Messaging; Employees Easily Stay in Touch With Customers and Colleagues

November 21, 2008 - PROVIDENCE, RI -- Traction® Software Inc, the leading developer of enterprise 2.0 social software for secure, scalable collaboration, today announced Live Blog micro-messaging for Traction® TeamPage™ 4.0 along with an end-of-year promotion featuring a 20% discount through the end of December. With Live Blog, users can write brief notes from wherever they are and share them instantly over Traction's award-winning TeamPage enterprise wiki platform. TeamPage 4.0 is the first enterprise 2.0 suite to incorporate micro-messaging technology that's been made popular by web services such as Twitter and Pownce. Traction's new Live Blog technology allows enterprise users to:

  • Share brief updates to stay in touch securely with customers and colleagues anytime and from anywhere
  • Keep in touch with product, sales and support teams while getting work done
  • Connect internal teams and development partners, suppliers and customers working on projects that span the globe
  • Easily raise and discuss issues that need quick attention
  • Use separate Live Blogs to work with individual clients (like a law firm) where privacy is a necessity
  • Leverage TeamPage's security, search, comment, social tagging and notification features to power Live Blogs and flag issues for follow-up action

Live Blog Technology for TeamPage 4.0
A Live Blog is an automatically updating browser window that can be shown directly on a user's desktop or mobile device such as an iPhone. Users type a brief note in the Live Blog window and everyone with access to that Live Blog sees a new highlighted note in seconds. Live Blog notes are stored in TeamPage's hypertext Journal so they can easily be tagged for follow-up, discovered in a TeamPage search, or forwarded as an automatically generated IM, email or RSS notification. Live Blogs become a standard feature -- not an extra cost option -- for Traction Software's secure, scalable enterprise class hypertext platform which now supports Live Blogs, wiki's, social tagging, threaded inline comments, blogs, social networking and RSS syndication.


2008 Year End Promotion
Traction Software is also announcing a 20% discount on new software licenses or upgrade purchases made between November 17th and the end of 2008. This promotion offers an exceptionally affordable entry price of $3,000 per year for a 25-user workgroup subscription with up to 10 active Live Blog or general project spaces.

"With tight budgets and pressure to cut costs, businesses need to figure out ways to save on travel and operating expenses while building stronger internal, partner and customer relationships. Many Fortune 500 companies are looking to consolidate and streamline distributed geographic operations, replacing an incompatible hodge-podge of older generation Lotus Notes and other products that are expensive to maintain and don't work well inside or outside the firewall," said Greg Lloyd, president and CEO of Traction Software. "New and existing customers are placing their bets on Traction TeamPage as the ideal tool for better working collaboration. Our year end promotion thanks existing customers, and invites new customers to choose the Enterprise 2.0 solution that can deliver a real competitive advantage while cutting costs."

Users can also start with a free TeamPage configuration -- including Live Blog micro-messaging, five login accounts and free visitor access. TeamPage can be downloaded free and installs easily, with no software pre-requisites other than a base Windows, Solaris, Linux or Mac OS X operating system.

About Traction TeamPage - Breakthrough in Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration
Traction TeamPage 4.0, the latest version of Traction's award-winning Enterprise 2.0 social software platform, combines wiki, blog, social tagging, discussion and social networking capabilities in a secure, scalable collaboration platform. Global 1000 and government customers use TeamPage to collaboratively create and share valuable information such as market research, competitive intelligence, corporate and customer communications, product plans, and business development resources.

Traction TeamPage is the only product that gives you the freedom to use the simple search, linking, naming, navigation and editing model you expect in Web 2.0 for collaborative editing while also making it easy to view, click through and search the latest stable version of all pages for authoritative reference. TeamPage 4.0 goes far beyond the old file and document based content management model to deliver collaboration that works for everything that's important in an Enterprise 2.0 world.

About Traction Software
Traction Software provides business and government organizations with enterprise social software that enables groups and teams to communicate more effectively. Traction Software's easy to use TeamPage(TM) software creates a secure communications hub for business information and working communications that collects, organizes, links and shares sources of information in context over time. Traction TeamPage has been named "Best Enterprise Wiki" by InfoWorld. Traction Software has also been named one of the 100 Companies that Matter by KMWorld and a winner of the RedHerring100 and eContent 100 awards. The company distributes its products directly and through global partners. Based in Providence, Rhode Island, Traction Software is a privately held corporation with financing from investors including In-Q-Tel and Slater Interactive. For additional information, visit Traction at tractionsoftware.com

Traction Software and TeamPage are trademarks of Traction Software. All other names are trademarks of their respective companies.


For more information, contact:
Dana Harris
Red Javelin Communications
[email protected]

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